View Profile sparhawk56

30 Audio Reviews w/ Response

All 64 Reviews


very nice
very beautiful
good job

Zero123Music responds:

Glad you enjoyed.
lol ;-)


too slow for my tastes.
try taking this to a faster bpm
i don't know how it will turn out but it could sound pretty good

cHunter responds:

Well almost all of my songs are made at 140 bpm so I decided to slow it down for a change. Guess that was a bad idea. :3


its like nothing i've ever heard.
totally freakin sweet

MarkySpark responds:

Thankyou !


well it looks like you got your first bad vote of the day. took it from 5.00 to 3.83. It bet the idiot didn't even listen to the song. honestly people can't seem to just take the time to sit and listen. and if they don't listen to it why do they vote? oh well
Good job.
I really like this new type of style you've been coming out with. It sounds really great. Keep up the good work. And good luck on warding the downvoters away.

P.S.- By the way, I voted 5 :D

Moltov responds:

Yay for random people that blam it for no reason, probably so they can have their song on the top 5 and crap. and yes i will keep up the good work.
Shishka bang blam


So, you know you really suck when you give it a 5 and it subtracts points. lol
I thought it was nice and soothing. Very well done.
Good job.

Ic3m4n responds:

Thank you for ya comment - always welcome !

But i don´t get that thing about "...it substracts points..." !? Maybe it´s my limited english :D ...why should it subtract points if you vote ?

good, very good

tell me. The title. Is it supposed to say Anima. If that is what you meant to put, what is it?
Sounded really good.
What was that wind up-like sound that started at 00:30?

ZeRo-BaSs responds:

First of All, Thanks for your 10 sparhawk!^^

Anima in Italic languages means "Soul"

Thank you

mmmmmmm yeah

definitely one of my favorites. You just make everything so great. Yay for g-r4ve. If that's who you really are.

g-r4ve responds:

wats that sposed to mean o.0?

holy junk

what the heck is that freakin sound.
it sounds so cool.
and you used it so well in the song.
you are amazing

g-r4ve responds:

I have no idea how I made any of this stuff xD


this song is so nice and soft. It makes me feel all bubbly inside. thanks for that.
but, question, who dreams of bamboo?

g-r4ve responds:

Cant u imagine some mystical bamboo forest... jumping from tree to tree?


dude, all your stuff is so freakin sweet
the fear of music? lol

g-r4ve responds:

yea haha. Me n my friend were tryin to think up names, and he came up with this. Thx for ur review :P

Age 33, Male


Joined on 4/21/07

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